Top 4 Things to Look For in an Implant Dentistry Course

Implant dentistry is a continuously evolving field. Implant dentistry tools and techniques that are popular today may become obsolete tomorrow. Dentists should commit to continuous learning. The right implant restoration CE course can help you learn about emerging trends in implant dentistry and become familiar with advanced dental implant instruments and techniques.

Here are some things to check when selecting an implant training course.

Hands-on Training

The best implant restoration CE courses give equal weightage to classroom and training sessions. Before enrolling in a course, check the number of hours dedicated to classroom sessions and training sessions.

 At RDI, we firmly believe in the effectiveness of learning by doing. In addition to attending lectures, RDI students assist their mentors during implant surgeries. Training sessions allow students to gain first-hand experience in performing complex surgeries. They learn best practices for performing surgeries and ways to prevent and manage complications by watching their mentors.

Student-to-Mentor Ratio

An overcrowded classroom can overwhelm even the most experienced educator. In a jam-packed classroom, both the educator and students may have difficulty staying focused. Educators often struggle to get their point across and cannot give individual attention to every student in crowded classrooms.

To create a conducive learning environment, we maintain a healthy student-to-mentor ratio of 2:1. A low student-mentor ratio allows mentors to cater to the diverse learning needs of their students.


Before enrolling in a CE course for practicing dentists, check the qualifications and experience of course mentors. An experienced and qualified mentor is equipped to help their pupils become future-ready. They understand the nature of problems that can arise during complex dental implant procedures and know how to manage them to prevent complications.

RDI mentors bring decades of collective experience of performing implant surgeries to the table. They are trained in the use of dental implant instruments and have an in-depth understanding of best practices for placing dental implants correctly.

RDI mentors are passionate educators. They have an unparalleled ability to explain complex topics and concepts effectively and use a wide variety of teaching methods to make their classes more engaging for students.

Bifurcation Into Courses

Consider a CE program that includes multiple courses, allowing students to first build a knowledge base and gain skills and then apply the gained knowledge to real-life situations.

Regardless of which stage of your learning journey you are in, RDI’s CE program can meet your learning needs. Our program consists of two courses – the Core Series and the Master Series. In the Core Series, students learn important concepts related to bone preservation and bone healing dynamics and also assist their mentors during live surgeries. In the Master Series, program participants learn to plan surgeries and ways to increase tissue thickness and prevent complications.

Have questions about our CE program? Call (715) 962-8454.

What You Will Learn in Your Implant Placement Course

Want to improve your surgical skills and learn about new, emerging trends in implant dentistry? Enroll in a continuing dental education course. An implant placement course can equip a practicing dentist with the advanced skills that they need in order to plan surgeries and prevent and manage complications. The best implant courses encourage course participants to think differently to develop innovative solutions to complicated problems that can occur during and after dental implant surgeries.

Restorative Driven Implants is committed to revolutionizing dental education. Our CE program is designed with the constantly evolving learning needs of students in mind. We regularly evaluate program design and tweak it when required to keep it relevant.

Our CE program in implant dentistry consists of two courses – the Core Series and the Master Series. Both courses are further divided into six modules (three modules each).

What You Will Learn in the Core Series


Core Series 1: Embark on Your Learning Journey (Duration: 2 days)

You will start by learning principles of implant dentistry, best practices for performing atraumatic extractions, the right way to classify extraction sockets, and bone preservation and suturing techniques. On the second day, your mentor will discuss guided and non-guided surgery, one and two-stage surgery, and incision design considerations.

Core Series 2: Advance Your Journey (Duration: 2 days)

During the two-day training session, you’ll deepen your knowledge and skills gained in Core Series 1. You will learn more about bone healing dynamics, bone preservation techniques, and best practices for placing implants immediately. On day 1, you will practice extractions, grafting, and suturing on models. On day 2, you will use drills and place implants in mandibular bone models under your mentor’s guidance.

Core Series 3: Elevate Your Knowledge (Duration: 16 hours)

In Core Series 3, you will assist your mentor during live patient surgeries and learn effective ways to improve patient experience.

What You Will Learn in the Master Series


Master Series 4: Take Your Learning Journey to the Next Level (Duration: 2 days)

Master Series 4 lasts two days. During these two days, you will observe your mentors perform live patient surgeries and learn more about shorty implants, crestal lifts, and lateral windows. You will also learn ridge augmentation techniques.

Master Series 5: Dive Deep Into Important Topics (Duration: 2 days)

Over the course of the next two days, you will watch your mentors perform different types of procedures and learn how to increase tissue thickness, plan implant placement in anterior aesthetic areas, preserve soft tissue around dental implants, and lower the risk of complications.

Master Series 6: (Duration: 2 days)

Apply the skills gained in Master Series 4 and 5 to real-life situations under the guidance of Dr. Adam Kruger and Dr. Jan Bublik.

Have questions about our CE program? Call (715) 962-8454.

Take Your Dental Practice to the Next Level With Advanced Implant Training

Implant dentistry is a highly specialized and ever-evolving field. Popular techniques and tools used by surgeons to place dental implants today can fall out of favor tomorrow. Practicing dentists should commit to lifelong learning. If you have just set up your practice and want to hone your skills, enroll in a continuing education course. An advanced dental CE course can equip you with specialized skills, helping you become future-ready.

Dental Implant Courses by RDI

Want to acquire new skills and learn effective ways to run your practice more efficiently? Restorative Driven Implants has got you covered. We are committed to revolutionizing dental implant training. Our dental CE courses explain the latest dental implant placement techniques and technologies in detail. They are designed to help practicing dentists acquire an in-depth understanding of the principles of implant dentistry and best practices for performing dental surgeries.

Program Structure

Our dental CE program consists of two courses – the Core series and the Master series (each divided into three modules).

Core Series: In the Core series, course participants learn the skills required to place dental implants flawlessly. The Core series discusses important topics related to bone preservation, incision design, guided and non-guided surgery, and bone healing dynamics. Students place implants into mandibular bone models using drills.

Master Series: In the Master series, students get opportunities to apply the skills they learned in the Core series to real-life situations. They help RDI mentors plan implant procedures and observe them as they perform live surgeries. Course participants also assist their mentors during live surgeries.

RDI mentors teach their students effective ways to increase tissue thickness, plan complex procedures that involve placing implants in anterior aesthetic areas, and prevent complications.

Learn From Industry Experts

RDI mentors bring decades of collective experience in performing dental implant surgeries to the table. They have the skills and expertise to plan and perform complex procedures. RDI mentors are revered educators. They use various methods to impart advanced implant training. Their ability to think outside the box and develop innovative learning solutions sets them apart from their peers.

RDI mentors use various teaching methods to effectively explain complex topics, ideas, and concepts. They have their students’ best interests at heart and go the extra mile to ensure their learning needs are met.

Ideal Student-Teacher Ratio  

Crowded classrooms tend to be noisier and are filled with distractions. Often, students and teachers in crowded classrooms have trouble focusing and concentrating. We maintain a healthy 2:1 student-to-mentor ratio so that mentors can give their students individual attention.

Have questions about our dental CE program? Call (715) 962-8454.  

Dental Implant Placement Courses For General Dentists

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of continuing education for practicing dentists. Implant dentistry is rapidly evolving. An advanced dental implant course can equip you with advanced skills and knowledge, helping you become future-ready. 

RDI has revolutionized continuing dental education. Developed by industry experts, our CE program provides practicing dentists with the tools they need to level up their careers. 

Program Modules 

RDI’s CE program consists of two courses – the Core series and the Master series. The Core series educates course participants about emerging dental implant technology trends. It is designed to help practicing dentists hone their skills and equip them with new advanced skills. In the Master series, participants get numerous opportunities to apply the skills they have learned in the Core series to real-life situations. 

Learn From the Best

We have assembled an A-team of mentors. Every RDI mentor has years of experience under their belt and an in-depth understanding of the principles of implant dentistry. With their trained eyes, they never miss a detail. RDI mentors realize the importance of knowledge sharing. They’re always eager to share their knowledge and are open to learning from their students. 

RDI mentors use various teaching techniques to engage their students. Their unparalleled ability to simplify complex topics and ideas sets them apart from their peers. They often use case studies and examples to challenge their students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Mentors encourage course participants to question everything and think outside the box.

The Right Balance Between Theory and Practice

We realize the power of learning by doing. Students learn more and also retain more information about a process or technique/tool used during a procedure when they perform it.  

Our courses include classroom sessions plus practicals/live training sessions. During hands-on training sessions, course participants perform surgeries under the guidance of their mentors. Training sessions open doors to new learning opportunities. Course participants learn effective techniques to prevent and manage complications.  

Healthy Pupil-Teacher Ratio

An overcrowded classroom can hamper the learning process. In crowded classrooms, teachers may fail to communicate their point and often struggle to pay individual attention to their students. 

We are committed to ensuring that real learning happens in our classrooms. For every two RDI students, there is a mentor. Mentors have meaningful one-on-one interactions with their students. As they spend more time with their students, RDI mentors develop a better understanding of their learning styles. A smaller class size allows mentors to adapt their teaching methods to meet the diverse learning needs of every student.  

Need help enrolling for a course? Call (715) 962-8454.

Hands-on Dental Implant Course

Want to give wings to your career? Enroll in an advanced dental CE course. A comprehensive dental CE course can equip you with advanced skills. A well-designed course discusses the latest trends in implant dentistry and emerging dental implant technologies. After completing a continuing dental education course, you will have the technical knowledge required to perform dental implant surgery flawlessly.

RDI is Re-imagining Continuing Dental Education

RDI offers a comprehensive continuing dental education program consisting of two dental implant courses – the Core series and the Master series. The Core series is designed to help course participants learn new advanced skills. In the Core series, practicing dentists learn best practices for placing dental implants correctly and preventing complications. They assist their mentors during live surgeries. Hands-on training allows course participants to observe their mentors while they’re performing complex procedures and learn from them.

After completing the Core series, students advance to the next level (the Master series). In the Master series, course participants further develop their skills. The course introduces them to best practices for planning procedures, increasing tissue thickness, and preventing and managing complications.

Unparalleled Commitment to Excellence

Implant dentistry is a rapidly evolving field. Continuing dental education courses should be updated regularly or they may lose their effectiveness. We revisit our courses at regular intervals and tweak them when necessary to ensure they discuss the latest topics, surgical instruments, and techniques.

RDI Mentors

RDI mentors bring decades of collective experience in performing complex dental implant surgeries to the table. Their vast and rich experience enables them to maintain their composure during surgeries. RDI mentors have an in-depth understanding of the principles of implant dentistry. They plan every surgery down to the last detail to prevent confusion and complications.

RDI mentors are passionate educators. They adopt a flexible attitude, which allows them to adapt their teaching style to meet the diverse learning needs of their students. RDI mentors use different tools and methods to effectively explain complex topics and ideas and to get their point across. They are lifelong learners and are always eager to learn. RDI mentors use case studies regularly to facilitate the understanding of dental implant techniques.

Balancing Theory and Practice

Our dental implant courses include classroom sessions and hands-on training sessions. Students learn ways to plan implant procedures and prevent complications in class and then apply the knowledge they have acquired to real-life situations when assisting their mentors during surgeries.

Small Class Sizes

Smaller classes are conducive to learning. For every couple of RDI students, there is an RDI mentor. A healthy student-teacher ratio allows mentors to give personalized attention to their students, which improves learning outcomes.

Have questions about our continuing dental education program? Call (715) 962-8454.

Live Patient Implant Course

Whether you want to learn new skills or polish your existing skills, enroll in a continuing dental education course. The right continuing dental education course can equip you with skills for tomorrow, helping you become future-ready. It discusses the latest trends in implant dentistry and best practices to prevent complications.

Why Enroll in RDI’s Continuing Dental Education Program?

RDI is committed to revolutionizing dental education. We realize the importance of hands-on training. Designed by industry experts, our continuing dental education program lays equal emphasis on classroom sessions and practical sessions. It consists of two patient implant courses: the Core Series and the Master series.

During the course of their study, RDI students learn effective ways to plan dental implant procedures, increase tissue thickness, and prevent and manage complications. They assist their mentors during live surgeries. Course participants gain invaluable knowledge by observing their mentors as they perform surgeries. They learn about issues that can arise during surgeries and best practices for managing them.

Our patient implant courses aim to equip practicing dentists with the skills to perform surgeries in the most effective manner. We evaluate our courses and tweak their structure regularly to maximize their effectiveness and keep them up to date.

RDI Mentors: A Cut Above the Rest

Every RDI mentor has years of experience in performing complex procedures. They have mastered different methods for placing dental implants correctly. Their in-depth understanding of the principles of implant dentistry sets them apart from other practicing dentists.

RDI mentors stay on top of industry trends and are always eager to learn about breakthroughs in the field of implant dentistry. Every mentor on our team is an eminent educator. They use effective ways to explain complex ideas and topics. Though experts in their field, RDI mentors consider themselves lifelong learners and grab learning opportunities with both hands.

The Right Balance Between Theory and Practice

Both theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge are important. We believe in the power of learning by doing. Our courses include classroom sessions as well as training sessions. Course participants learn important concepts in the classroom and implement the knowledge they have gained during class sessions to real-life situations when assisting their mentors during live surgeries.

We Maintain a Healthy Pupil-Teacher Ratio

Crowded classrooms can negatively affect learning outcomes. Students and teachers in a crowded classroom can get distracted easily and may struggle to stay focused and get their point across. We maintain a healthy student-mentor ratio of 2:1. A low student-mentor ratio allows mentors to meet the learning needs of their students.

To inquire about our courses, call (715) 962-8454.

A Road Map to Live and Online Training in Dental Implants

Restorative dentistry has come a long way and is still evolving. The tools and methods that are popular today may find no takers tomorrow. Continuing education courses can help practicing dentists stay future-ready. A comprehensive dental CE course near you covers a wide range of topics. It sets participants up for success by equipping them with the skills required to perform surgeries swiftly and efficiently.

Online Vs. Offline Dental CE Courses

Should I choose an online or offline basic implantology course? This is one of the first questions that dentists ask themselves after deciding to enroll in a dental CE course. There are several benefits of online courses. Online learning can eliminate the need for commuting or relocating to the city/state where your college is located. You can learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home. Because educational institutions offering online courses need not buy or rent space, online education is usually more affordable.

Undoubtedly, the biggest advantage of offline dental CE courses is that participants learn by doing. A good educational institution offering offline dental CE courses strikes a balance between theory and practice. Their courses include classroom sessions as well as training sessions designed to help participants gain exposure to upcoming dental implant technologies and learn new tips and tricks. Also, participants in an offline dental CE course get opportunities to interact with their mentors and peers physically.

RDI’s Dental Implant Courses

Want to improve your skills and knowledge base and learn about emerging trends in implant dentistry? Join our CE program. Designed by industry experts, our continuing education program is divided into two courses – the Core series and the Master series.

 In the Core series, participants learn the surgical principles of dental implantology. They sharpen their existing skills and also learn new skills. Participants also get opportunities to assist their mentors during surgeries. During live training sessions, participants learn new tips and tricks to manage pressure and prevent complications by observing their mentors.

The Master series equips course participants with the knowledge and skills required to manage complex cases. They learn how to plan surgeries that involve placing dental implants in anterior aesthetic areas and different methods to increase tissue thickness.

Why Choose a Dental CE Course Offered by RDI?

At RDI, we are committed to offering quality education. We have put together a team of experienced mentors. RDI mentors have an in-depth understanding of the principles of implant dentistry. Though subject matter experts, they consider themselves students and are always eager to learn about new dental implant technologies. RDI mentors have an unparalleled ability to make learning fun and simplify complex concepts and topics.

 Learning rarely occurs in a crowded classroom. We maintain a healthy teacher-student ratio (for every two students, there is a mentor), so teachers can focus on every student.

Have questions about our dental CE courses or want to know how to enroll in a course? Call (715) 962-8454.

RDI’s Dental Implant CE Courses

Implant dentistry is one of the most rapidly evolving fields. Implant dentistry methods and tools that are popular today may struggle to find takers tomorrow. Therefore, dentists must upgrade their skills and regularly improve their knowledge base.

A good continuing education restorative dentistry course can help you become a future-ready professional. It includes classroom sessions and training sessions designed to help dentists better understand emerging technologies.

RDI has revolutionized dental implant continuing education. Our training program is divided into two modules: the Core series and the Master series.

RDI Core and Master Series Explained

The Core series helps practicing dentists brush up their concepts and learn new techniques and methods. It introduces course participants to the latest implant technologies and trends in implant dentistry. After successfully completing the Core series, practicing dentists enroll in the Masters series which gives them opportunities to apply the concepts they have learned in and outside the classroom to real-life situations.

Salient Features

Here are some features of our courses that distinguish them from other dental CE courses near you.

Blending Theory and Practice

At RDI, learning isn’t confined to the classroom. Designed by industry experts, our implant CE courses lay equal emphasis on theoretical and practical learning. Students attend lectures and assist RDI mentors during restorative procedures. They learn about new technologies that can completely transform how they perform surgeries at their practices.

Learn From the Best Educators

Every RDI mentor is worth their weight in gold. Their years of experience have equipped them with a wide range of skills. RDI mentors are respected educators. They have mastered the art of tailoring their teaching styles to the ever-evolving learning needs of their students.

RDI have an unparalleled ability to break down difficult concepts and topics so students can easily and quickly grasp them. Though widely regarded as experts in the field of implant dentistry, RDI mentors never stop learning. They are always eager and willing to share their knowledge with their students as well as learn from them.

Healthy Student-Teacher Ratio

It can be challenging for a teacher to manage a large class. Because there is a lot happening in large classes, both students and teachers struggle to concentrate and stay focused. As a result, learning rarely occurs in them.

We have created a conducive learning environment for RDI course participants. There is one RDI mentor for every two students. A healthy student-teacher ratio allows mentors enough time to address student queries and pay personal attention to each student.

Advanced Learning Opportunities Await You At RDI

RDI is committed to helping practicing dentists become well-rounded professionals. During your course of study, you not only learn and practice advanced dental restoration techniques, but also gain skills to perform dental restoration procedures flawlessly. Have questions about our implant CE courses? Call (715) 962-8454.

The Advantages of Online and In-Person CE Courses

Do you want to learn about the latest dental implant technologies and gain new clinical skills? Enroll in an implant placement course for general dentists. A good dental CE course near you can help you brush up your skills, gain new knowledge, and rethink your approach.

Once you have made up your mind to enroll in a CE implant dentistry course, decide if an online or offline course is right for you. Understandably, many practicing dentists with busy schedules prefer online courses. That, however, does not mean there are no benefits of in-person CE courses.

To help you make a judicious decision, we have compiled a list of some benefits of online and offline implant dentistry CE courses. Take a look.

Benefits of Online Courses

Thanks to technological advancements, practicing dentists can now pursue learning programs, no matter where their preferred educational institution is located. Online courses have removed barriers to learning for dentists who want to upgrade their skills but cannot attend physical classes.

Here are some advantages of online courses.

Flexible Learning

One of the biggest advantages of online CE courses is that students can learn from the comfort of their homes and need not commute regularly to attend physical classes. Practicing dentists who enroll in online courses save a lot of commuting time that they can devote to important tasks such as reviewing case reports and planning procedures. They have opportunities to spend more time with their patients and really listen to them.


Online restorative dentistry CE courses save both students and educational institutions money. Students commute less regularly and can, therefore, save money on transportation. On the other hand, educational and training institutes that offer online restorative dentistry courses need not create a learning infrastructure and can save a huge amount in the long run.

Ease of Access

Practicing dentists who enroll in an online restorative dentistry CE course can learn on the go. All they need is a device and a reliable internet connection. Course participants can also record online classes for future reference.

Benefits of Offline Courses

Though the popularity of online restorative dentistry CE courses has increased over the years, traditional offline learning is still in favor.

Here are some pros of offline restorative dentistry CE courses.

Active Involvement

Offline dentistry CE courses allow participants to interact with their teachers and peers. Students also get numerous networking opportunities and build long-lasting relationships.

Interactive Learning

Teachers conduct group activities and peer activities to make the learning process enjoyable and engage course participants.

Personalized Attention

When course participants attend physical classes, it is easier for teachers to ensure that real learning is happening. They can ask students questions to assess their learning and provide their pupils with constructive feedback to help them understand their capabilities and identify areas that need improvement.

RDI is on a mission to help practicing dentists prepare for the challenges of tomorrow. Our dental CE courses equip dentists with the skills they need to succeed. To learn more, call (715) 962-8454.


Wisconsin Dental Training Program by RDI

Dentistry is an ever-evolving field. Therefore, dentists must commit to lifelong learning and upgrade their skills and knowledge at regular intervals to provide the best patient care. 

RDI: Equipping Dentists With Future-Ready Skills

Restorative Driven Implants is committed to helping practicing dentists learn new, in-demand skills to grow their dental practice. Our dental training program comprises two modules – the Core Series and the Master Series. The Core Series is designed to help dentists learn how to place dental implants. RDI Core Series graduates can advance their skills with more complex cases by attending the RDI Master Series.


RDI Mentors: A Cut Above the Rest

RDI mentors are practicing dentists with years of hands-on experience performing dental implant surgeries. They are always willing to share their knowledge with dentists. Though subject matter experts in their field, they are open to learning and view mentoring as an opportunity to learn from the experiences of their students. 

RDI mentors do not hesitate to go the extra mile to create a conducive learning environment. Their ability to explain implant placement concepts in a simple way and engage their students sets them apart from their peers. RDI mentors use tried and tested teaching methods to ignite curiosity in their students. 

A Healthy Student-Teacher Ratio

An overcrowded classroom presents insurmountable learning challenges. Teachers in overcrowded classrooms are unable to get their point across, whereas students are unable to concentrate. Poor concentration affects learning outcomes. It’s a lose-lose situation for teachers and students. We  maintain a healthy mentor-student ratio (1 mentor per 2 students). A low mentor-student ratio allows mentors to address the learning needs of every student in the classroom. 

Balancing Theory and Practice 

Many dental implant courses just focus on theory. Theory without practice isn’t recommended in implant dentistry. Studies show that students are more likely to fully grasp complex concepts when they learn by doing. Our course designers strive to integrate theory and practice to enhance learning. Participants do not just sit in class and listen to lectures, they also complete model based activities and perform live patient implant surgeries with mentored, over-the-shoulder training.

Hands-on training allows trainees to learn by doing rather than by absorbing knowledge or information without engaging with it. 

Have questions about our dental implant courses? Contact our office.